Well. This is a new departure. A Blog purely devoted to that whacky zany and really rather irritating Folk outfit from Coventry and Warwickshire, Black Parrot Seaside. Our hope is that this will serve several important functions:
It will compliment our website at www.blackparrotseaside.co.uk and give our followers, groupies and fans (both of them) a deeper and more personal insight into the troubled world of edgy Comedy Folk in 2008-2009:
It will introduce anyone who is new to the band (either through performance or hearing us on the wireless) to our thoughts, our material, our philosophy and our taste in sandwiches:
It will furnish fellow OCD sufferers with an infinite catalogue of pretty trivial information. Interesting minutiae like how many Long Tailed Tits were hanging on Geoff’s birdfeeder this morning are the meat and drink of those who have had enough of reading about Oasis and Amy Whitehouse:
It will provide future Biographers with a wealth of detail for inclusion in their next book.