In what has been a terrifyingly quick chain of events, Judith, the wife of our guitarist Arnold, died peacefully in Myton Hospice only a few weeks ago. Her funeral was yesterday, and many Black Parrot Seaside followers were amongst a large congregation who attended.
For a while it had looked over the last few months as if the band would fold completely. But it was one of Judith's last wishes that "The Boys" as she affectionately called us, would continue. So we will.
We will be getting back together soon to rehearse, and as soon as we are back up to speed we will begin to fulfil bookings again. We have cancelled all performances but the one scheduled for the Merchants Inn on April 21st 2009-that will be effectively when we "get back on the horse"-and others will follow.
We intend to dedicate quite a bit of future time to fund raising for Myton Hospice and Macmillan Nurses. As part of the healing process we would like to commemorate Judith's brief life through a "Concert For Judith" to be held somewhere locally during the late Spring or Summer. Already, local artistes and Club organisers such as Kristy Gallagher,Norman Wheatley, Pete Willow, Gill Gilsenan and Malc Gurnham have pledged support. Anyone else interested in helping out should contact one of us through the usual channels. Judith loved her music, and this event will celebrate that.