More sad news. Jeff Powles, our second drummer,died last week. He was only 56.
After we parted company,quite early on in the Electric Parrot days, Jeff went on to become a music agent. I didn't see him for years, but then I bumped into him, in about 2005, at a Doors Tribute night at the (alas!) now defunct Nags Head in Nuneaton.
Jeff was a really nice bloke. I think he struggled at times to get his head round some of the crazier stuff we did, but some of my fondest memories of those years include him bashing away at the Kit at some classic Rock Gigs. He had quite a temper, and could fly into a rage over something quickly. At such times his mane of hair would fly around as he flounced off-hence we nicknamed him "Queenie." In fairness though, he also came out of those rages very quickly. He also had a much nicer Galunian name-Jallin N'gara-which he seemed much fonder of.
The only photo I can find featuring Jeff shows us rehearsing at The Woodlands School, round about 1976, when we all had hair-some of us lots of it! L. to R. it's Barry Ousby on base, Jeff Powles on drums, Arnold on guitar, other Geoff singing (with a fag on?) and Mick Harris on the electric piano. Classic stuff. happy days. Rock on JGP.