Thursday 6 November 2014

A Message from Your Sponsor.

     Thanks for all that personal praise and encouragement, after another triumph last night. The "buzz" was still evident on Social networks beyond 1am this morning. (When I gave up and got some sleep) Long may it continue.

    It is very flattering. And whilst it is fully deserved (!!!) I can only reiterate that the IMMENSE success of the club's first two nights is a proper team effort. The combined hard work of Band members and other Venue organisers like Phil Benson and Malc Gurnham has also helped to bring us this far so soon. Arnie and Phil have put in long hours of work trying to get various sound systems tailored to fit our needs. That we eventually had no P.A. system last night was unfortunate, but no reflection of the hours any of us put in beforehand. Other people with a similar broad base of sound technology were also on hand-we just eventually ran out of time. Did it mar the evening or spoil things? No.
    Similarly, two other Black Parrot Seaside stalwarts, Dave Parr and Arnie (again) worked themselves to a standstill last night. Humping gear, flogging raffle tickets, and of course, playing to entertain the audience.  Like me, ( and Phil) they'd both had another  earlier musical commitment in the afternoon, making it a very long day. It is this combined voluntary effort that has got us so far, so soon. Some of us went straight from one gig to another yesterday, working without a food break or even a wee stop, for up to ten hours. So much for being "retired" !
     And let's applaud the pub staff, who as Maria Barham has acknowledged elsewhere, are willing, friendly, supportive and generous. Julian has provided all facilities for free, donated some cracking raffle prizes, and is delighted that he's finally added a Folk Club to his portfolio of entertainments. Did you notice the folk music playing downstairs in the bar as you all arrived? And that he drops some of the prices on a Folk Night? Attention to detail! All the pub staff work so hard to keep the range of drinks dispensed and the tables cleared. 
      Yes, I accept that  it takes some front and some bottle to compere a night like that, but people from far and near are also putting in an extraordinary effort in to welcome a new music venue to the Town Centre.  Without ALL these can imagine the rest. I like Nuneaton. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but as my Dad and Grandad were born there, I suppose I'm biased. My son and I follow the (very mixed!!) fortunes of its football team. It is an earthy, grounded, working town where people speak as they find. So much of the talent you've seen so far is based there (And there's lots more!)  What you see is what you get. To have succeeded here, in such spectacular numbers is a real triumph for all concerned.
    More about the Entertainment on view last night to follow. But I felt that this needed to be said first, and separately. Take a bow, Nuneaton Folk Club. .